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Monday, February 6, 2017

Time Setting

It has been six years already that me create this blog, since 2011 until now it's such a long time you know. There are so many memories time by time sweet and sour, happy and sad, so magical life like in the movie or fairy tale hehe (mungkin agak lebay) and buat saya waktu 6 tahun itu sangat sangat amazing dari waktu masih jadi anak kuliahan sampai sekarang sudah jadi mamanya Tricia oh emmjiii. Well I still feel like anak kuliahan atau abg sih (just kidding). So yaahh, a few days ago I read the old posts in my blog mumpung saya lagi ada waktu luang and don't know what to do so yah begitulah. Lucu juga sih waktu lihat dan baca-baca postingan lama hahaha when I look so slim and young hehehe (well I'm still young-I feel young) I just want to inform that kayaknya ada terjadi kesalahan sama peraturan waktu postingan saya disini and I really don't know how to fix it because I tried so many times and it doesn't work at all so I just let it go and I don't wanna to think harder for it just wasting time jadi perkiraan waktu di blog saya terlambat sekitar kurang lebih 17 jam dari waktu saya setempat (I lived in North Sulawesi) which is my city is about use wita (waktu indonesia tengah) so it's one hour faster from the capital city (Jakarta, Indonesia).
For this year I will make some time for writing because mostly my post from last year (2016) is just about pictures so maybe this year will be a lot of thoughts, notes and something like that. Also, in this year I will write in two languanges english and indonesia and sometimes I mix like in this post, there's no reason why I make like that just because I like to and I do what I like selama itu baik dan tidak mengandung tindakan asusila wkwkwkwk adakah yang setuju? (hening).
So that's all from me and goodnight! 


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