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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Lazy Sunday

Sooo today is Sunday and this is gonna be so really very very lazy super duper sueerr beerr deerr day sorry yah agak lebay because I'm a lebay person wkwkwkwk. After cap go meh yesterday all the members of my family is rehat at home all of them are sleeping all day long only me waking up with this cute little princess siapa lagi kalau bukan tuan putri Tricia hahahaha. But after that we all sleep again just sleep and eat and repeated yaahh so wonderful day hahaha 
Rain falling down from morning until now, we checked out our store this afternoon just to make sure there's no water inside and nicely that's good no water no flood means good, good for now. Hopefully tomorrow also good as well. So now we have a few hours to keep relaxing and enjoy our lazy day, my hubby is playing game on his ipad, Tricia is sleeping already and me is doing this yup this typing and blogging around while watching my loves doing their own business. 
Tomorrow will do some photoshoots and gonna post my haul from last week/this week mostly the haul is about my new body lotions because I really love lotions and some body cream and body scrup and most of them I don't try yet if that's good in my skin, moisture, smooth etc I only smell and all of them have a very good fragrance so I love it and gonna make some review later. 
So byeeee have a good Sunday and Happy Sunday I'm going to grab some snacks and sleep hehehe :DDD


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