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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

La La La La La La La La :))))))

Since I had nothing to do in office hehe, so better I write something in my mind. Honestly I already set the words last night when I in the toilet hahaha. So, let's begin! Here I am in Jakarta for Internship, which is the program in my faculty for long three months that's quite long for live far away from my parents and this is the first time for me. Ok, that would be give so much learning process. 
What I was thinking about last night is, I am an afraid person, even when I walk I scared what direction I must take and not. I don't know my future about but I always trying to avoid my fear and live simply as I can and always be positive for everything. Yes, everything is gonna be ok. What I need to do is just control what should I thinking about and not hehe..GOOD LUCK!  :D


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