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Sunday, July 7, 2019

Be Kind

Saya sungguh percaya bahwa memiliki perilaku yang baik sangat menguntungkan. Dan sayangnya, sebagian manusia di bumi tidak menyadari akan pentingnya hal itu. Sedih sekali rasanya melihat kejahatan merantai manusia bahkan sampai merenggut kehidupan yang begitu berharga.

And you know what? I really really amaze with all the great talented people around the world everytime I'm watching youtube. I was like..oh this is so wonderful, right? And I can't believe my eyes that they are so real and alive and amazing and making me can not say any other word. So it makes me realize, why we have to hate each other? Like almost every woman did. Cause I believe that we all have our own treasure, right? 
Could you recognize that? 
Could you find that? 
It is in your heart. 
So why we have to be mean to other? 


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