Stay away from bank loan or credit card and invest with what you have and remember:
1.Money is not create a human while human creates money.
2.Build a simply living.
3.Don't do anything that people say, just listen but do only the good things.
4.Don't use merk, wear the comfortable one.
5.Don't spend your money for unnecessary things.
6.With money:
You can buy a house but not a home
You can buy a bed but not sleep
You can get a position but not respect
You can buy a clock but not time
You can buy a book but not knowledge
You can buy blood but not life
So find your own happiness inside you
7.If it success in your life, share and teach others.
"The happy person is not a person who can able do all the things greatly but a person who can find a simple thing in life and be grateful"
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